New Dzongrab Dasho Sangay Dawa Joins Monggar Dzongkhag.

23 June 2024


On Sunday, 23rd June 2024, an auspicious day, the Dzongkhag Administration of Monggar is pleased to welcome the new Dzongrab, Dasho Sangay Dawa. Prior to his transfer, Dasho Sangay Dawa served as the Drungpa of Sakteng Drungkhag under Trashigang Dzongkhag.

Dasho was warmly received at the Dzong gate by Officiating Dzongrab, Local Government Members, and heads of regional and sector offices. He was then escorted to the chamber of Dasho Dzongdag for a courtesy call. Following this, Dasho visited the Goenkhang to offer prayers. At the Dzong Dochel, he was greeted by the Lams and Lopens of the Dratshang and escorted to the Kuenrey to offer prayers in the presence of Venerable Lam Neten.

A traditional zhugdrel phunsum tshogpa and marchang ceremony took place in Dasho Dzongrab's office. The official handing-taking ceremony was presided over by Venerable Lam Neten and attended by Dasho Dzongdag, Dasho Drangpon, Dasho SP, and DT Thridzin. Regional Heads, business community members, sector heads, and the staff of the Dzongkhag joined in offering Trashi Khadhar to Dasho Sangay Dawa.

With his extensive experience and wise leadership, the Dzongkhag Administration looks forward to working closely with Dasho Sangay Dawa for the further development of Monggar Dzongkhag and the nation. We wish Dasho a very successful and happy stay.