
Geog at a glance

Area: 55 Sq.Km

Population: 2646 (1329 Male and 1317 Female)

Households: 304 nos.

Local Govt:

Sl. No. Designation Name
1 Gup Rinchen Norbu
2 Mangmi Pema Wangchuk
3 Tshogpa (Ngamphu_Sangkama) Tobgyal
4 Tshogpa (Bilam_Dangkila) Yeshi Wangchuk
5 Tshogpa (Moogtangkhar_Tsangkhazor) Thinley Dendup
6 Tshogpa (Moodoongkhar_Tselam) Tshering Lhamo
7 Tshogpa (Kognala_Ya-Ragla) Kinley Wangmo


Civil Servants:

Sl. No. Designation Name
1 Geog ADM Officer Tshering Nidup
2 Principal (Jurmed PS) Tenzin Wangchuk
3 Agriculture Extension Officer Pasang Tshering Shangdan
4 Livestock Extension Officer Kezang Phuntsho
5 Health Assiatant(BHU) Yeshi Khandu



Sl. No Name of School No. of Teachers No. of Students
1 Jurmey PS 9 (5 Male & 4 Female) 165 (87 Boys & 78 Girls)



Sl. No Deatils Place
1 Basic Health Unit II Jurmey
2 4 Out of reach Clinic Sangkama, Muktangkhar, Yaragla and Tsellam



Sl. No. Name of Important Lhakhang Important Relic/Festival Name of Head Lama



1 Ugyen Gatshel Lhakhang Ugyen Dhisum Khenpa /Annual tshechu-6th day of 9th month of Bhutanese calendar, Kanjur Daksar Chenmo-4th month of Bhutanese calendar Kinzang Gyeltshen (caretaker) Community
2 Bayul Choda Gerwang Lhakhang Ugyen Pema Jugney Loday choda (Proprietor) Pvt
3 Ngamphu Yeshey Choling Lhakhang Chugchi Zhey Lungten tenzin (Proprietor) Pvt


Road Connections:

Sl. No. From To High Way Feeder Road GC Road Farm Road
1 Mongar Zimzorong 40 Km      
2 Zimzorong Yulderi GC     23 Km  
3 Yulderi Jurmey GC   16 Km    
4 Yulderi Sangkama       6 KM
5 Damzaling Yakrala       7.5 KM


Economic activities:

Sl. No. Agriculture Livestock Other
1 -Mandarin and Beans -7 Poultry farm
-3 Piggery farm
-Hazel Nut Plantation 13.3 acres (5917 tress)
-1 Community Forest
- Art and Crafts culture


RNRC: Agriculture, Forestry and Livestock extension services are provided from the Geog centers.

Tele-Communication: 100% coverage by both B-Mobile and T-Cell

Electricity: Not connected (Electrification Work under process)