The team from RAA, Bumthang Region joined Monggar Dzongkhag Administration to conduct annual audit for the FY_2022-2023. Before the conduction of actual auditing, the team made a brief presentation with regard to the system and guidelines of auditing that are in place.
The auditing will be on the following:
1. 19 LC Accounts - Dzongkhag, Drungkhag and all 17 Gewogs.
2. Municipal CD Accounts.
3. Audit Thrust Area for FY_2023-2024.
Dasho Dzongdag, Dasho Dzongrab, Sector Heads, Engineers, HR and Accounts personnel attended the meeting.
The team will be here for almost three(3) months and the Dzongkhag Administration wishes the team a fruitful stay and successful conduction of audit.