Hon'ble Attorney General visited Monggar Dzongkhag.

20 June 2024


Hon'ble Attorney General Dasho Sonam Tashi and officials from the Office of the Attorney General(OAG), Thimphu visited Monggar Dzongkhag and engaged in conducting a day long legal awareness program in the new DT Hall. The program was attended by Dasho Dzongdag, Dasho SP, Dasho OC, DT Thridzin, Gups and Mangmis, Regional Heads, Sector Heads, officials of the Thromde and Dzongkhag Municipality.

The awareness program focused mainly on the roles and functions of the Office of the Attorney General, mechanism and procedures to provide legal services from the regional offices followed by question and answer sessions on legal issues. Further, the program was conducted based on the legal mandate of the OAG and with particular objective to create an avenue for the Dzongkhag and Gewog officials to know the primary functions of the OAG and legal services that can be availed in the process of executing the functions in the local governments and clarify the kinds of legal services that can avail from the regional offices and OAG headquarters.

Since it was the Hon’ble Attorney General's first formal visit to the Dzongkhag after assuming office, Dasho Dzongdag and the participants presented Trashi Khadar as a mark of respect and good fortune.