The Chairperson of the Guide Association of Bhutan visited Monggar Dzongkhag

27 June 2024


The Chairperson of the Guide Association of Bhutan along with 25 tour guides met with Dasho Dzongdag, Dasho Dzongrab and DT Thrizin of Dzongkhag Administration, Monggar today.

The Eco-tourism achievement of the Dzongkhag was shared whereby Dasho Dzongdag highlighted the eco-tourism sites in the Dzongkhag (eco-trail from Phurjurlaptsa to Jaiphu, Birding trail from Latongla to Zhongar along TBT, and the newly inaugurated Richanglu recreational park). Furthermore, Dasho also shared future plans to attract more tourists to Monggar, including the extension of trails from Jaiphu to Pongchula and the development of agri-tourism.

During the meeting, the Chairperson and the tour guides shared the reasons why eastern region has less tourist arrival and the recommendations were also made by them to ensure frequent tourist visits in the eastern Dzongkhags. The collaboration between the Dzongkhag and the GAB would ensure tourism promotion and livelihood enhancement in eastern Dzongkhags.