Dasho AG visits Dzongkhag Administration.

23 August 2023


Auditor General of the Royal Audit Authority, Dasho Tashi visited Mongar Dzongkhag Administration today and met with the LG Members and staff of the Dzongkhag at the DT Hall. Dasho AG was warmly welcomed by Dasho Dzongdag, Dasho Dzongrab and DT Thridzin.

Dasho AG briefly presented on the awareness regarding RAA and talked openly to better understand how things are working in the field and an earnest effort was made to resolve standing memos that had remained unaddressed.

The meeting was attended by Dasho Dzongdag, Dasho Dzongrab, DT Thridzin and LG Members, Sector Heads, Engineers and Accounts Personnel, and deliberated on the discussions surrounding unresolved memos and actively solicited constructive suggestions for pragmatic resolutions. The meeting adjourned with positive keynote from Dasho AG and with hearty closing remarks by the Dzongkhag Accounts Officer.